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Top Principles for Designing Better Product Teams

Behind every good product, there is a great team and an even greater amount of efforts that have gone into designing the team. As rightly said – the basis for every great product is the team that is behind it. The product team plays an important role within the organization and is responsible not only for product design but also for strategy implementation, blueprint design and feature planning for the particular product or a line of products. This team, therefore, consists of leaders from across domains including project management, sales and marketing, operations and support, engineering and technology and is led by a project manager.

Product Team

Since a product team has to work with and cater to multiple associates from senior stakeholders to end users, it is essential to design a team that is not just efficient and experienced but is also energetic and empathetic. Just as “well begun is half done”, If the task of designing a product team is done right, it is a job well begun. We share today, important principles that are certain to support your firm in the designing of exceptional product teams.

  • Members with strong product design and UX knowledge: Since the bar on effective product design is constantly rising with consumers having more options than in the past, your product must be right for all the touch points in a consumer’s experience. In order to let this happen, the product team should comprise of individuals with strong product design and UX knowledge. These members would be critical in making the product go from good to great by prototyping and testing products with consumers at a fast pace.

  • Speed is of the essence: Architecture, deployment processes, and tech stack are some of the reasons for the slowdown particularly as a product begins to scale up. With the growing complexity of a product, the team should be both flexible yet fast. Not to mention, it should be supported with enough time and resources to remain agile.

  • Data is the driver: The precursor to having the right data is to ask the right questions. Therefore, your team should have a data layer that enables it to ask the correct questions about the performance of the product. The team should have access to this data, various analysis tools and most importantly the logical and analytical ability to make sense of the information.

  • Outcome driven: There is a stark difference between outcome and output. An outcome driven team focuses on taking responsibility, staying in touch with customers and working together to take the product to its next development process and customers to their next level of usage.

  • Designing of structure: While logic says that a nimble and fluid team structure is better than a rigid and a fixed mindset one, a certain level of structuring is necessary to ensure that roles and skills are divided in the most effective way possible. This would also ensure faster task achievements and delivery of results.

An exceptional team does not comprise merely of having a product manager and members from various domains. More importantly, it is to be designed keeping in mind the big picture. This big picture includes ensuring that all members within the teamwork cooperatively and in tandem with each other.

A product team connects with diverse groups within the firm for the planning and release of a product. Best product teams are those that inspire others to work towards a shared goal. A strong sense of product vision and ownership to the product are therefore paramount at all times along with the above-listed principles.

We believe and understand that product teams are to be crafted with the right mindset. At iView Labs, we craft the product team for you. If you are looking to build your product team, do not hesitate to contact us on We would love to talk to you.


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