A survey by Owl labs reveals 59% of employees would be more likely to choose an employer who offered remote work compared to those who didn’t. So, perhaps the question of ‘whether remote-work is sustainable’ is rather misplaced and should fact me ‘how can you establish a sustainable remote-work model in your organisation?

While several businesses have transitioned into a remote or hybrid setup, business managers need to be aware of a few caveats this move bears. But once these challenges are addressed, the business impact of embracing remote work can be astounding. We have already discussed why having a remote workforce makes good business sense.
But, long-term success requires a planned approach and a sustained effort to transform the organisational culture.
But if it’s so much effort, why are businesses adopting remote working in the first place? Think of less office workspace, fewer rentals, less commuting, fewer trips, higher productivity and greater employee focus- when you look at the perks and incentives for both employees and employers, remote work starts seeming more effortless than an office setup with full strength.
So, how can businesses make remote work sustainable
By enabling employees to work from different cities around the world and change their compensation accordingly, remote setup can save larger organisations millions of dollars. The only need is that businesses make their initial investment in establishing the right processes in place.
Let’s go through some solutions that can help us face the special challenges of remote working and make it healthy and sustainable for the long run:
Plan it: Of course, the success of remote work depends on having a solid plan. The move to a remote setup requires close collaboration with other organisational executives, feedback from the team on the goals, and provision of the necessary equipment. Establish processes, methodologies, and protocols to be followed for all day-to-day operations so that everyone who joins your projects is aware of the entire modus-operandi and can do their bit as desired.
Build the right digital infrastructure: Remember that providing the appropriate tools is perhaps the most crucial step in guaranteeing the successful operation of a remote model for any firm. In order for smoother collaboration, you might need to invest in the right software that can allow teams spread across geographies to communicate and collaborate effectively. Integrated tools that can easily be accessed Businesses can use various solutions managed by professionals like iView Labs that can guide their operations in the proper direction.
Master the hiring and training process: Working remotely is no exception to enhancing employee performance through learning and skill development. There are several ways to set up and manage remote training depending on the needs of a business, and the procedure works differently for different organisations. Making all training programmes accessible while maintaining their engagement is a great place to start.
A remote recruitment service can look for specialised abilities and experience matching an organisation in time-friendly countries. You can consider having a reliable recruitment partner to manage your remote workforce needs. This will help businesses master their onboarding and training process. Remote recruiters increase the talent pool by looking for prospects everywhere.
Take care of employees: Remote work raises stress levels by disrupting work-life balance or escalating friction between work and personal life, according to a study. Many studies have shown that people who work remotely often struggle with overworking, increasing their labour hours. So you need to ensure that you touch base with your employees regularly, understand their challenges and find ways to address them on a continuous basis.
Remote work is not just sustainable for your business but also for the environment.
Lockdown memories of rush-hour silence, and fading haze at dawn during the pandemic support the notion that remote working intrinsically benefits the environment. Consider commuting: transportation is the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions.
Eliminating millions of people’s daily commutes and replacing them with WFH policies appears to be a simple climate win. Reduced foot traffic in large corporate buildings can cut paper, furniture, and food waste. As a result, WFH may have a net positive impact on waste management techniques.
Furthermore, organisations can simultaneously increase employee productivity while reaching sustainability objectives by implementing sustainability policies that provide co-benefits (such as financial and environmental rewards).
Remote working is more likely to stay than not and will become an even more important part of how we operate in the future. Businesses should begin preparing for this “return to the new normal” as soon as possible.
At iView Labs, we offer technical team talent on demand to supplement or add to businesses’ current capacity and meet their needs for technical development. In accordance with the talents required by the business, we match, build, manage, and operate their technical teams for a more sustainable functioning. This broadly fits with the core principle of the digitisation movement, in which technology should ease your life and allow free creative minds to reach new heights. Rest assured that our team will continue to put our best foot forward to deliver astounding results. Want us to become a part of your growth journey? Get in touch today.
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