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How to Attract and Onboard the Right Technical Talent?

Digital disruption and the global pandemic has changed the way every industry functions. It has forced us to create a new world where the talent hiring landscape has also changed drastically. And returning to normalcy is not even in the farsight but the functioning space of the industries are getting into normal pace and this is why hirings are also resetting.

Organizations and their HR with CHROs are now thinking about building their talent pipeline and building their resilience to drive business value.

Here are some of the successful ways to find and hire new talent:

1) Explore New Geographies:

Pandemic has transformed the global recruitment process, it has reshaped how talent is both being supplied and demanded around the world. Employers can now without any worry fetch the right tech talent as their hiring spheres have expanded.

Because of remote work since last year, companies can now hire talent from anywhere in the world. This way more diverse talent can be hired and reskilling of their workforces can be done. Location doesn’t have to be top condition anymore employees can be hired from around the globe.

2) Conduct events and hackathons:

Conducting events and hackathons with an established audience is the quickest way to approach your right tech candidates. Also, hosting a hackathon or meetup allows you to share your experience, introduce your existing team, and explain your processes. All these points are important for a candidate who is searching for a job.

As all these events can be easily taken online so it can be another good way to attract a lot of talent pool and also later on you can host these offline and meet and greet to know more.

To successfully conduct these interviews be it online or offline you don’t have to be as big as Google or Facebook, any organization can do it. The only requirement is hard work and creativity. It will take some time to assemble speakers, influencers, and list out the topics. But once it is conducted your organization can collect hot talent leads, partnerships, and freelancers that are hard to reach by traditional methods.

3) Efficient and Effective Hiring using Tools:

Given the success in remote hiring and onboarding, organizations are re-thinking the role of on-campus interviews. Since a lot of good tech talent is hired every year from campus placements so this option should never be ignored. But the traditional way of conducting campus placement can be upgraded. Remote interview methods are a good way to save time, money, and look for good talent. Companies can look for tools that can help them to easily conduct campus interviews, connect with people, and also make it easier for the interviewees.

4) Upgrading sourcing channel:

Organizations should work on their competencies and also how they attract and screen talent. To build a skill based talent pipeline, companies need to explore sourcing channels that they haven’t worked on before this can help explore new options that they have never tapped in. These can include new job boards and local recruiters or freelancers . By hiring talent through new mediums, you can build a vibrant talent pipeline. Also, this can help hire diverse talent which shape a company’s culture. A diverse community in your company can help light up different perspectives and experiences.

5) Create a good environment for your existing talent:

Although this might not sound like a way of hiring talent but believe me it is. While applying to a post, candidates not only simply just look at the post and job descriptions but they look at each and every aspect of an organization.

They look for reviews on Google, Glassdoor, and other websites to have an insight of the company. Using these websites and others, candidates are able to read employees’ experiences and then they can easily evaluate staff turnover rates.

While an organization cannot fully control these resources, they can surely steer the narrative. Make sure that your employees are satisfied, get a happy environment, and they will automatically display good reviews for you, in addition their participation in branding can be an add on on social media.

6) Conducting good interviews:

Always keep in your mind an interview is a two way street. This is a common mistake that most organizations make and lose great talents this way. Interview isn't an interrogation, make a discussion; in the process both the interviewer and the interviewee is looking to explore each other. So make it comfortable and understand each other’s potential. The interviewer should rightly ask questions, test the candidate’s knowledge, but remember to treat them equally. As you do not want to lose the right talent and also do not want anyone bad mouthing about your organization out in the industry.

7) Create a Workforce Strategy:

Workforce hiring strategies are never documented in SMEs; these can only be seen in certain big organizations. This can leave companies unprepared in terms of emergencies, especially if there is a need to hire someone at an executive or board of directors post.

During such an unprepared scenario, along with hiring and looking for the right talent the organization also needs to define who needs to take their decision till nobody else is hired. So it is better that an outline is created about the process of how the next resource should be hired, should someone be kept in a pipeline, and who next is going to take the decision till someone is hired.

These decisions are very vital for an organization, if taken prior as they prevent any loss of business.

8) Referral Rewarding:

If you have a big post to fill in and you are approaching a deadline, one of the ways by which you can stimulate hiring is by offering some incentives for a referral that might end up in a great hire. For this you’ll have to spend something maybe money, or a good phone or any other device but this can surely bring in a lot of leads.

Simply create an excellent job posting, network it on your website and social media platforms, add a nice visual to it and Voila wait for the downpour of great talent leads. You can also use some paid promotion if you want to to boost your reach.


Don’t rely only on your traditional approaches, make use of different platforms, tools, rewarding, experiences, do be afraid to show off your brand and work, start visiting conferences, and send your key team members as speakers on hackathons. Think about making your recruiting process perfect in every stage.

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