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R-Go Break

A tool which reminds you to take a break

Electronics/IoT | The Netherlands

R-Go Break is a cross platform desktop application which can provide a Break Advise that does not block users continuing of daily work.

The R-Go tools devices i.e Keyboard, Mouse and Numpad will indicate break by changing their lights seamlessly.

This ensures that the user of the machine takes the break on timely basis and makes sure it doesn't interfere with the ongoing work. A smooth break reminder.


Technical Implementation

Team R-Go Tools is The Netherlands based firm who is developing ergonomic solution. They would like to build a cross platform desktop application which can support their Keyboard, Mouse and Numpad and advise user for break.

Team iView Labs, quickly started exploring their need and proposed that by using Electron JS framework it can be done seamlessly. Team iView, successfully met the client expectations in 6 weeks, and provided a viable desktop apps for Mac & Windows OS.

It was a kind of a challenging task since the entire application had a very narrow window of the deliverable and therefore to get the developers work on to the cross platform application was itself a little off-track and non traditional work.



  • Device Detection

  • Accurate & Meaningful Timers

  • Notify user based on R Go break coach



  • Timely reminder for breaks

product details

Project Details

  • Team Size: 3 Members

  • Project Duration: 6 Weeks

  • Company Domain: Electronics/IoT

  • Company Location: The Netherlands


Tech Stack

  • Electron JS

Let's Talk

We're here to build something innovative for you. Let's discuss in detail.

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