Bosbec is the platform where you build and create unique solutions as a standalone system or to complement existing systems.
Bosbec WE platform which provides an easy and flexible way of building, changing, and upgrading digital solutions.
Bosbec WE is a tool where you build IT solutions with pre-configured components – online, cloud-based and fast. Create unique solutions as a standalone system for your organisation, or to complement systems that are already in place.
Bosbec WE is scalable to fit both the small business and the large corporation where simple and flexible components inside the builder allows you to decide the level of complexity and functionality.
Technical Implementation
Team iView Labs worked with Bosbec team to use the Leaflet JS to display the geographic data provided by OpenStreetMap. Using Nominatim, a geocoding and reverse geocoding service, anyone will find the exact coordinates of the address provided. Now that after having the exact coordinates, it will display using Leaflet markers and polygon.
Team iView Labs have applied the Ray Casting algorithm to check if a given point is inside the polygon or outside, using all the polygons coordinates.
Using the Nominatim API, one can easily retrieve the geographic data of that address in JSON format. One can store the coordinates and details of the polygon, making it easy to display the entire polygon whenever they want.
Team iView Labs uses OpenLayers to make it easy to put a dynamic map in any web page. It can display map tiles, vector data and markers loaded from any source.
Project Details
Tech Stack