360° all-encompassing tool is the one shop stop for everything real estate. Customers would feel and experience an interface like never before.
Real Estate | India
The real estate sector in India is the most recognized in the world. It is the second largest employer after agriculture and is expected to grow at over 30% in the next ten years. Its' subsectors-housing, retail, hospitality and commercial contribute to a significant position of India's sucess story and it ranks 3rd in terms of direct, indirect and induced effects in all sectors of the economy. The Indian real estate scene is expected to hit an all-time high of $180 billion by 2020 and the housing sector alone is responsible for upto 6% of India’s GDP.
It is but natural for technological innovations to thrive in this field. While the construction side of real estate equation has seen big new developments, sadly the sales and CRM hasn’t been completely digitalized yet. Site offices continue to operate using traditional methods, salesperson still use age old practices and the overall experience for a buyer cannot be deemed completely hassle free.
Customer closure increased by 4x
Sales productivity increased by 10x
100% reduction of paperwork
5x time saving s for order
10x experience building for customers & visitors
The 3D view posed
Easy on screen view of all details at once
Increased sales
Showcasing the sites and homes