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Development for Engino

STEM Technologies

EdTech | Cyprus

Engino is a designer of STEM toys, providing innovative 3D construction systems and classroom solutions that transform play into an educational, Interactive Journey into STEM Learning.

Engino was founded in 2004 by Costas Sisamos in Cyprus. With degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Education, Costas worked for 10 years in Primary schools teaching Design & Technology.

With a vision to inspire his students to become better problem solvers and future innovators, Costas started designing a new system of modular connectors that would enable students to build fast and easy fully functional technological models.


Technical Implementation

Team iView Labs worked with the Engino team to help them develop 3D Models.

Team iView Labs Coordinate with Engino Team and develop various 3D Models like Intersection, High Poly Models, Boolean Operations etc.

Our Team debugging and checking the whole flow for making the algorithm work for high poly models as well.

Also team implemented the triangle-triangle intersection and managed a few edge cases (Coplanar, Coinciding, Triangle in triangle cases).



  • Mesh Renders

  • Animations

  • Colliders



  • Cross Platform Development

  • Real time Rendering

  • Flexible Modeling Tools

  • Collaborations

product details

Project Details

  • Team Size: 02 Members

  • Project Duration: 02 Months

  • Company Domain: EdTech

  • Company Location: Cyprus


Tech Stacks

  • Unity 3D Game Engine

Let's Talk

We're here to build something innovative for you. Let's discuss in detail.

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