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RPA is the key to Fintech Industry growth


The fintech sector is observing a rapid change with the expansion and maturity of computer processing capabilities. Now information technology can provide advanced software that can perform human-like tasks. To mitigate the scarcity of skilled resources and boost efficiency at minimal cost, the banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI) organizations are now ready to adopt the latest offering of the automation technology – the Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

As per the global fintech giants, RPA is the convenient choice and mandatory for the industry to take a competitive advantage. As claimed by Gartner, in 2022, the estimated market value of the RPA solution is $2.4 billion, which was $250 million in 2016. And it is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 33.6% from 2020 to 2027.

What is RPA in banking, and how does it work?

Robotic Process Automation is an automated software that is used for automating different repetitive process flows within the company. In the banking and fintech sector, this specialized software is used to perform recurring, rule-based, and high-volume tasks.

In the fintech and banking industry, RPA follows a predetermined workflow that provides a guideline to the software robot on what steps to follow precisely. This software understands the proper keystrokes, follows the provided roadmap, and runs the required programs automatically to perform necessary tasks. Several banks and other financial institutions currently utilize RPA in customer KYC, account opening, processing client requests, and other repetitive tasks.

Benefits of RPA in the fintech industry:

There are several reasons behind the success of Robotic Process Automation in the fintech industry.

Comprehensive Insights:

Organizations can get detailed insights into their customers’ needs and the market influencing factor when implementing RPA. These insights are imperative to mark significant growth in this competitive environment.

With the introduction of RPA in business, companies are observing more customer onboarding. This is because there is more time to focus on business development and create attractive and much-needed products and services. Apart from this, RPA is efficient in providing the detailed report of competitors after performing in depth analysis. This can provide you a competitive advantage and through data representation in customized format ease the decision-making process.

Reduced Costs:

Fintech companies are processing vast amounts of bills and invoices every month. A well-programmed RPA can help you save a lot of time and money by automating the invoicing process. Moreover, there is significantly less chance of error compared to humans. Moreover, if taught smartly, these software robots can fill up forms and extract from several banking and financial systems and prepare a financial report in no time.

These all automation are a great money saver for your business. According to studies, implementing RPA in the fintech sector can save 25-50% processing time and cost. Now every sector is striving for higher profit margin and in Fintech, this pressure is more. Financial institutions can generate sustainable profit and mark significant cost reduction through automating maximum processes.

Higher Productivity:

If you want your resources to be more productive and innovative, you need to take them out of the monotonous and repetitive tasks. And the best way is to introduce RPA to perform such activities. You can thus utilize their skills to develop new strategies, foster agile development, and more. These activities not only help to increase their productivity but also encourage them to think out of the box.

Better Compliance:

Banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI) organizations are set to operate within the guidelines and regulations. Meeting the compliances is a daunting task for businesses, but it is mandatory. A slight misalignment and compliance issue may cause massive damage to the organization.

RPA is a perfect tool for maintaining strict regulations and guidelines. To reduce the business risks, you can perform audit trials of every process through RPA. Moreover, there is no space for errors when the checking is performed by smart software. Even the advanced RPA software can detect fraudulent activities and deactivate the malicious accounts to avoid bad debts. This ensures the enhanced security of customers’ financial and personal data.

RPA Archetypes to transform Fintech Automation:

  1. Robots for verification and validation: Information verification and data validation are important tasks for any financial organization. And a slight mistake can lead to major problems. This automated software can perform real-time authentication and verification processes for external and internal systems. These activities are vital in KYC verification, Customer Due Diligence, and other processes. Such automation can quickly transform error-prone operations into a smoothly running activity.

  2. System interoperability robots: As the technology is changing every day, it is imperative to adopt the latest one to stay in the competition. In the way forward, the crucial part is to integrate the legacy systems with the advanced, and a lot of data migration takes place. Integrating (RPA) robotic process automation tools can bridge the gaps and perform the cumbersome data migration task without any error.

  3. Scheduled robots: There are several banking events that operate until a particular event occurs. The scheduled automation robots are hardcoded and delivered when it is required. In this way, you won’t miss any deadline or can resolve any issue in a big rush.

  4. Data input robots: This type of automation can synchronize the data without much time and labor. RPAs can perform human-like activities in data management like system login, searching the data, copying and inserting the records in the perfect place in an error-free manner. It improves productivity and saves a lot of recurring costs for the business.

Parting thoughts:

The fintech sector is facing tremendous pressure to improve its process, boost its efficiency, and cut down its operational expenses to improve the profit margin. Implementing Robotic Process Automation is the only way to make this sector future-ready.

Many financial institutions have already implemented this intelligent automation as these are quick solution providers, easy to implement, and cost-efficient compared to large-scale transformations. If properly implemented, RPAs can offer huge benefits, and this is the call of time for the banks, fintech, and other financial entities to adopt RPA into their solutions.

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