As Winston Churchill said, “we should never waste a good crisis.” The biggest positive of the COVID-19 pandemic is that it has pushed us to rethink our potential and ensure that we prepare ourselves for future challenges. The pandemic kept us indoors for almost a year. There was a sudden mushrooming of apps providing a range of services. Digitization practically saved us during the crisis. Some businesses lapped up the technology and others who were slow to respond perished.

Crisis or no crisis, it is certain that technology is fast advancing, and organizations that do not adapt risk becoming obsolete. If you’re looking to stay ahead of the curve, now is the time to ramp up technology in your business. This blog post will outline why and how to build a tech team that transforms your business.
Why is digital transformation a necessity?
With the advent of new digital technologies, customers increasingly expect businesses to offer digital solutions and services. At the same time, new digital competitors are emerging, offering innovative digital solutions that can quickly capture market share. To stay competitive, businesses must embrace digital transformation and adopt new technologies and solutions.
Some of the benefits are:
Changes the Customer Experience
offers data-driven insights
Encourages teamwork and improves employee satisfaction
Improve agility and innovation.
Encourages a digital culture
Improve skill set and knowledge
Process and operations are streamlined
The advantages are many, and the time to act is now!
How to achieve digital transition?
Some companies are starting to see a real impact from their tech transformations. In a McKinsey study, around 50% of surveyed companies reported a moderate to significant impact on realizing new revenue streams, almost 70% reported an impact on increasing existing revenue streams, and 76% reported an effect on reducing costs.
Tech transformations, nonetheless, remain notoriously difficult and complex. Commercially, businesses are seeking the most effective methods to integrate digital into their operations. Among these methods are:
Creating a new digital business model: Customers now expect a tailored and seamless experience from the businesses they patronize. Hence, rethinking a business model is the cornerstone of the digital transformation of your business.
Implement personalization without impacting privacy: Personalisation has become essential for businesses that want to create a lasting connection with their customers. By tailoring communications to individual consumers’ specific needs and interests, businesses can create a more personal, engaging customer experience that builds loyalty and strengthens relationships.
Having said that, the most crucial aspect of digital transformation is building the right tech team.
Digital transformation is about talent, not technology
Harvard Business Review maintains that contrary to general opinion, digital transformation is less about technology and more about people. You can buy almost any technology, but your capacity to adapt to an even more digital future depends on cultivating the next generation of talents, bridging the talent supply-demand gap, and future-proofing your and others’ potential.
Focus on employee onboarding: As businesses increasingly move towards a tech-driven model, it is essential to focus on employee onboarding and training. After all, the transition will be significantly easier if your employees are equipped to handle the new technology.
Fortunately, there are several ways in which companies can accelerate digital innovation.
a. Prioritizing institutional knowledge for balance
In order to accelerate digital innovation, companies should prioritize institutional knowledge and find tech talent to integrate with legacy employees with domain expertise. New tech talent brings fresh ideas and perspectives that can help solve problems in new and unique ways. However, they may not have the same deep understanding of the company’s core business and processes that more experienced employees have. Bringing them together will build a tech team perfect for growth.
b. Go beyond the three ‘D’s of digital roles and skill sets
Beyond the designers, developers, and data scientists that everyone is vying for today, it may be clever to consider what new professions may arise as digital disruptors. Perhaps you’ll need an AI specialist in your Operations soon; if so, the time to start planning is now.
c. A resilient future-proof workforce
Once you’ve identified the skills and roles, build a tech team that will typically include internal people, external hires, partners, and freelancers. Empower your employees with continuous digital learning programmes, job mobility, and skill grafting to equip themselves and play their part in transforming your organization.
d. Balancing AI with tech talent
To fully keep up with the flood of AI-based applications and innovation opportunities, you must immediately create a balance between machines and people. This entails challenging decisions about reskilling, moulding talent, and ensuring your staff is the right size.
How can iView Labs assist you in building a tech-driven business?
iView Labs can serve as your potential tech partner to help transition your business into a tech-driven one. As the business world iView Labs understands the importance of being technology savvy and up to date with the latest tools and trends. iView Labs can also help you build a tech team within your company. iView Labs has a decade of experience helping SMEs transition into tech-driven businesses. We also assist CTOs in building remote development teams.
To learn more about iView Labs, kindly log on to our website and to get in touch with us with your queries and needs, write us an email at and Download the latest portfolio to see our work.