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iView Labs is a growing IT service company in the space of innovative digital solutions





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The digital future of dining

What is the future of digital innovation?

Automating every single aspect of our everyday lives. From the minute mundane task of running a washing machine to the finer facets such as your regular restaurant visit! From the minute the diner walks in, the demand for an interactive immersive experience is very real and imminent. Restaurants are targeting the constant connection to the online social world of individuals and families via dining experiences that fulfil this condition.

As for the restaurant, increasing workforce costs, the balance of spend, profits and revenue, maintaining a digital relationship with their clients and diners is paramount. They are on the constant lookout for solutions that conquer the best of both worlds of cost efficiency and increased productivity.

Our interactive Dining application gives the control of the dining experience squarely in the diner’s hands and automates the ordering/management process. This product was created for the Flavours restaurant in Dubai with expert objective of decreasing waiting time, have fun activities for the children and always be connected to the social world via a simple multi touch table interface. Our eco system ensures a unique food and technology experience.

Why we good?

  • Maximum digital relationship with clients and diners

  • Lower staff costs

  • Higher number of diners in the restaurant

  • Higher customer spend

  • Increased profits and revenue

  • Wow-factor with the immersive experience

We at iView can design and customize the product at every stage. Our team of engineers and software experts have the capability to build the entire solution as a package as well as individual components. Our process of conceptualization, prototyping, design, development and deployment ensures a quality check at every stage and client engagement at every step.

Modules of our eco-system

1. The Features: The physical table

  • Multi Touch Table with flawless performance and support for individual or full families

  • Composed and built of strong rugged aluminium & glass of top quality. Waterproof to ensure no damage courtesy food and beverage spillage

2. The Features: For the Diner

  • Diner engagement via fun games and social updating of networks right from the table

  • The diner can see the menu, its dishes and ingredients and order from the touch table itself

  • Waiter engagement and human error is limited as order accuracy is maintained

  • Food and staff reviews can be posted immediately

  • Clean, easy and interactive user interface

3. The Features: For the Restaurant Backend

  1. Can be seamlessly integrated with point of sales system

  2. Order accuracy is maintained with the connection and integration of the application at the kitchen end.

  3. Inventory/waiter shift management complete with tracking

  4. Seating management to ensure higher number of customers at every food service

  5. Categorization management for coffee, bar, food and dining

The MUMOS can be used in different sectors of the hospitality industry such as tourism, event planning and even transportation.


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