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Mobile Work Force Management

Tracking 7000+ mobile work force and verifying 2m+ voters for community census.

Survey | Ghana



Collecting the data of the local population was a challenge in Africa and much bigger challenge was to measure its accuracy. Since the data is related to Voter’s bank, the government has to ensure its privacy, secrecy, reliability, accuracy without compromising on its scalability. Since the Agents were always in the field to collect the data from the population and therefore they needed a digital solution through which they can enter the correct data corresponding to the location where the population is stationed.

The solution of MWFM we built can then be used by the government to capture the census accurately and further helps them to use this vital information for several social security benefits, which they launch for the society.

Technical Implementation

The solution of MWFM we built can then be used by the government to capture the census accurately and further, helps them to use this vital information for several social security benefits, which they launch for the society.

The problem solved were; even though they had agents, however, they didn't have the correct solution and infrastructure to reduce the repeatability. MWFM helps the organizations to record data accurately and automate the data collection and task management.

Moreover, they had an issue to control the workforce in the field where they were unaware of the reliability and productivity of the employees travelling across for seeking the voter's data. This in Real Time tracks the employee and the field force using their live location.

Technical Implementation


  • Unique IOT solution

  • Redundant & Time consuming

  • 100% Drive efficiency

  • 5x operational cost reduction



  • Recording the data of the user taking the picture

  • Schedule the task roadmaps using google maps

  • Recording the location & confirm presence

Let's Talk

We're here to build something innovative for you. Let's discuss in detail.

Project Details

Project Details

  • Team Size: 06 Members

  • Project Duration: 12 Weeks

  • Company Domain: Survey

  • Company Location: Ghana

Tech Stack

Tech Stack

  • Codeigniter

  • MySQL

  • AWS

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